

What could be more beautiful than giving a child a home? To me, the adoption process is one that truly resonates with me and something I pour my heart and soul into. Adoption photography may sound a little strange at first, but having a photographer will allow you to enjoy all the moments that happen on that special day. There is so much to do on the day you first meet your child. Allow me to capture those moments while you live in them. Tana Ava Taylor


Adoption Photography

Tana-Taylor-AdoptionAdoptions are as special as births. Over the past few decades, we have seen the family unit evolve in order to include blended families, fostering, and adoption. Tana Ava Taylor adoption packages are now among the most popular as these provide a range of options for capturing the new additions to any family in the California area.

Being adopted and adopting her own children, Tana Ava Taylor understands the difficult and often long process each family goes through as they add to their family. She fully understands the acclamation time can be difficult, but also filled with joy.

Welcome Home Package

There is nothing more beautiful than giving a child a home. The adoption process is one that truly resonates with us and something we pour our heart and soul into. Adoption photography may sound a little strange the first time you hear it, but having a photographer can free you to enjoy the little or big moments and know that anything you miss will be recorded for you to treasure later. There is so much to do on the day you first meet your child, allow an adoption photographer to help you capture it all.

A Year In Review Package

Every day, week and month bring along a new adventure within your new family dynamic. There is a lot to get accustomed to, to process, navigate, relish, and enjoy. Our Year In Review Package can help you capture all of the milestones. Each month, we’ll set up a time, date, and location to take pictures of the family, special milestones, bonding moments, and so much more.

What to Expect On The Day Of Your Shoot

Tana-Taylor-AdoptionSet, Camera, Action!” The day you bring your child home will be the busiest and most exhausting day of your lives. We’d be glad to set everything up before you come home, and you can pretend we’re not even there. We’ll record and shoot you in your natural environment, allowing everyone to get accustomed to one another and the child’s new environment.

With your permission we’ll wait for you at home, or wherever you’ll be staying. We’ll speak with you briefly to let you know what we’ll be doing, and then we’ll leave you alone.

Show your new child their new room, let them meet their siblings, and new family members. We’ll be there to capture every moment, including the smiles, the tears, the laughter, and most importantly, the new love that is forming.

After Your Photo Shoot

After your photo shoot, we’ll pack up and go. We ask that you give us a couple of weeks to develop and edit your newly made precious moments. We’ll set up a gallery of all the images, and videos, and you can pick which ones you’d love to keep forever.